Haus of Plague

What I am reading
• Do Early Retirement principles still work? (I was very tempted to add, “IN THIS ECONOMY?” 😂)
• Revenge of the renter. Will we see more rent strikes in Canada?
• Dave Ramsey has lost the plot and is recommending an 8% drawdown rate in retirement. I don’t know who else thinks this but I feel like the best personal finance advice authors wrote their content in a few books and then the authors quit. I am wary of people who keep churning out new books on old advice.
• HAH: my friend M sent me this right after I wrote that supernerds unite against Dave Ramsey’s 8% withdrawal rate.
I absolutely slogged through the intro of The Lost Supper: searching for the future of food in flavours of the past. I figured I’d give the first chapter a whirl and then give it up if I wanted to. But by the middle of that first chapter I was absolutely hooked! It’s a fantastic combination of history, storytelling, food and the environment and I haven’t really been able to put it down. Info-heavy non-fiction can often be difficult to get through but this book is pretty interesting for those of you who enjoy the history of food.
Stay in your rooms!
The Eldest has covid and The Youngest has a gastro so the air purifier is going at full tilt today. Poor Mr. Tucker has been running around trying to make sure everyone has their needs met. Luckily, we always keep some frozen meals around for weeks like this – we learned the hard way that it was much better to have an emergency stash of ready-to-heat-and-eat meals vs. ordering takeout. It was frozen lasagna and spinach salad to the rescue last night!
Tonight will probably also be an easy-ish dinner because Mr. Tucker is working long hours and we have a bunch of things happening this week: the contractor is coming to replace the broken front window, appliances for the condo are coming & Mr. Tucker is supposed to go out with friends this weekend…although that probably won’t happen unless we’re all testing negative.
C’est la vie.