Happy Tibb’s Eve

Happy Tibb’s Eve

A Newfoundland and Labrador tradition, Tibb’s Eve is really an old word that may be rooted from the word tipple. A Tibb’s Day is a day a day that doesn’t really ever come (an intercalary day, as it were). Since half of (or maybe more) of my dragon boat team is from The Rock I’ve become familiar with it as I’ve gotten older.

I really enjoyed the wikipedia history of Tibb’s Eve but I think it is interesting that it’s gained in popularity over the past 20+ years. Those years saw a dramatic outpouring of young people from NFLD & LAB to go make their fortunes in other parts of the country. It makes sense that they would have a day where everyone who was home for Christmas from other parts of the country would make space for a day of celebrating with friends.

Colin Howlett’s quote resonates, “Tibb’s Eve on December 23, when people drink and eat at kitchen parties and bars with all the people they want to celebrate with before spending time with those they have to. I have no idea how that isn’t huge everywhere else.”

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