I know that Canada loves its KD but amid all of the discussions as to what constitutes a “Canadian product” and what doesn’t, the core issue remains: boxed macaroni and cheese is just not very good.
Seriously – stick with me folks – I am about to treat you to the easiest macaroni and cheese dish that will make you forget the blue box entirely. If you buy pre-shredded cheese, it can easily take less than 15 minutes – including boiling time. It has the same amount of steps and ingredients but is much, much better for you and a lot more creamier and tastier. Let’s giver!
Elbow’s Up Mac’n’Cheese
320 grams of elbow macaroni/
1 can (354 millilitres) of Evaporated milk (NOT condensed!)*
320 grams of shredded cheese (I prefer Extra Old for a bolder flavour)
* In a medium saucepan, place the macaroni and water with just enough water to cover it (maybe 1cm over the macaroni). Add the salt to taste (you can always adjust later) and bring the pot to a boil over medium-high heat, stirring periodically so the pasta doesn’t stick. The water should be fairly cloudy to indicate that the starches are swimming around the water.
* When the water boils down a bit and the pasta is almost cooked, turn down the burner to medium-low and add your can of evaporated milk. Stir to combine evenly.
* While constantly stirring, add the cheese in batches until it is fully melted. I like to separate the cheese into 3 or 4 piles and add them in one-at-a-time until they are fully incorporated/melted and then add another pile until all of the cheese is creamy and mixed right in. Make sure your pot is on low enough at this point so that your cheese doesn’t separate.
Makes 8 small servings or 4 dinner portions.
I do love this stuff right out of the pot but sometimes I will steam some broccoli or boil some frozen peas to get some great stuff in. Naturally, it also goes great with cut up cooked hot dogs and ketchup as well.
* Want to know what brands are Canadian? Check out these links for Evaporated milk or Cheddar.
I was up late last night reading Down and Out in Paris and London by George Orwell. Known mostly for his dystopian novel, 1984 I think both are still pretty relevant today. Maybe a little TOO relevant…
I had requested Down & Out months ago from the library (it is still popular! and profoundly racist! Caveat emptor!) and only received it recently. It was written in 1933 which is the same year that Hitler’s Nazi party came to power. It’s also the year that they created and started to sell the Volksempfanger, or as it is known in English: the People’s radio. When the Nazis came to power, not many people could afford a radio. After WWI Germany was devastated and inflation and unemployment rampant throughout the Weimar Republic years. Cleverly, Goebbels orchestrated the creation of a low-cost radio that ordinary Germans could afford. It was a smashing success: by 1941 some 65% of households owned one.
Sure, it had some shortcomings such as it had trouble with shortwave transmissions and it had trouble picking up weak signals but it was a small price to pay for its purpose: spreading the message of Aryan/Nazi ideals and nationalism through music, operas and plays. It also played soundbites of Hitler’s speeches and messaging set to music. Their genius was in the fact that the Nazi party didn’t have to play ads during films or manipulate the news (although they did that as well) in the hopes that Germans would buy a paper or pay to see a film. Instead, it was the ultimate communication tool: streaming their propaganda straight into people’s homes as entertainment. Their goal was to make “every national comrade a radio listener.” It worked.
The state of…
It’s not hard to think of social media as being the defining medium of the current era. A few Broligarchs own almost all of the SM sites and have essentially co-opted the communities we’ve created online. As someone who actually built a career as a Social Media Manager I knew it was absolutely possible to manipulate and advertise your way into the public’s heads but I think I lived in a dream world for a long time where I thought people would be logical and not believe the more outrageous things that floated around. Boy was I wrong.
First, they came for our grandparents: I spent a lot of time explaining to older folks that they should check their sources and verify before sharing content. Then they came for our parents: the 2016 US election was what really sent me over the edge. We had pizza gate fueled by support for QAnon and allowed to explode on 4-Chan and 8-Chan (and other platforms). Then it came to light that we were being manipulated with the Cambridge Analytica scandal. At this point I had been diagnosed and was struggling with my own personal future so I didn’t pay as much attention to it as I should have. The writing was on the wall: the world was becoming increasingly fractured, and we were being syphoned into our own silos by algorithms, which even the social media companies didn’t understand completely.
By January 6th, 2021 it was no longer possible to ignore the man behind the curtain. Social media had created these monstrous groups of people who truly believed some of the most outlandish conspiracy theories imaginable. Two years before the Broligarchs had testified before the US congress, promised better content review, and banned what they considered “bad actors.” The reality is though that what we were seeing was only self-preservation. They wrung their perfectly manicured hands and pretended to “do something” when nothing was really done. Trump was banned from twitter & facebook and life went on. But below the surface, all was not well. Trump started Truth social in retaliation for being banned from the big boy’s playpen, and anti-lockdown and anti-mask protests were signal-boosted by algorithms everywhere. Misinformation was rampant and it still is today.
”Most of the comments here are Russian bots” – Reddit every day
While Canadians are heading to the polls sometime this year, CSEC is warning that we very well could have election interference.
I think one of the things people don’t really understand about bad actors is that their intention is to destabilize. So in that respect, both the left and right are right: they’re both are being targeted. The goal of destabilizing a country is to see which side riots first, and they don’t care which one. Foreign interference is about stirring division, so whatever whips the commentariat into a frenzy is the thing they’ll focus on. They’re great at using AI to create emotional images with fake information to get their content shared far and wide. I’ve seen entire websites dedicated to propaganda articles and designed to look like a legitimate source when it’s just a content farm for social media to give fake news an air of authenticity. SM companies have done very little to manage the bad actors whether it is in comment sections or meme groups. Eyeballs and engagement mean more money for them, so why should they care?
The Gilded Age
I keep seeing comments & articles such as The Gilded Age is Back! and it isn’t difficult to argue with that take. Wealth disparity is larger than ever and I would argue that the US election was bought and sold with a little *wink wink* *nudge nudge* from the Broligarchs and other titans of business (and of course, our old Pal Russia).
It’s interesting to read Orwell’s Down & Out right now considering he was out there slumming it in Paris when there was high unemployment and poverty in between the two world wars. He wrote a book about it right as the Great Depression swept across Europe*. There are eerie similarities from the end of WWI and the Russian Revolution to today: a pandemic, hyperinflation and political strife leading to mass immigration. It would be hard to also look at the recent fall of the stock market and see the tariff threats (wax on, wax off) and not compare it to that era. But getting back to Europe a century ago: the US called in its loans with their banking collapse, the German banks couldn’t pay. This caused a domino effect to other countries such as Britain and France who also defaulted on their loans. This then lead to Smoot-Hawley (also a disaster)…and I think you can see why people think we are in a similar cycle now (I make no predictions myself).
Economic uncertainty seems to be a vacuum that people want a strongman to fill. The rise to fascism was of course guided quite readily by this uncertainty and leaders who were all too happy to break treaties and point fingers at groups they could blame. To be clear: Hitler made and broke many deals while many countries in Europe ignored it until Germany invaded Poland and it couldn’t be ignored anymore. Enter, “the war to end all wars.” I don’t think the takeaway here is that there is ever an exact replica of an era but also that there are always themes and we should ignore those themes at our own peril.
If you tell a lie long enough, it becomes truth
On September 30, 1939 – 6 years after the Germany people had access to the Volksempfanger – the radio waves in Germany announced a Polish attack. Naturally, Hitler took to the airwaves and announced that they would retaliate, and the invasion of Poland began. It didn’t matter that the attack was a lie: he who controls the medium, controls the message. The German people, for the most part, believed what they were told.
We need to take a long, hard look at ourselves and realize that these platforms we are addicted to our the modern day People’s Radio: we are isolated in our homes consuming infotainment where we now rarely see posts from our friends and communities who we actually follow, but we are instead fed meme rage bait and advertising. I know I am a broken record but enragement is engagement and the algorithms will feed you content based less on what/who you follow and more on what keeps you scrolling. By staying on these platforms you are simultaneously making money for Broligarchs AND training the algorithms to know how to keep you more addicted. I don’t use the word addicted lightly either: these spaces are designed to make you feel like you are engaging in a community while simultaneously making you feel unfulfilled and empty, while still craving the real human need for connection. Dopamine jolt after dopamine jolt feels good for awhile but once you get off of the merry-go-round and take a breath you know that it does make you feel awful deep down in your core.
The impact of social media cannot be understated, either. It’s slowly destroying democracy. Repetition of the most popular content is making blatant lies feel true and now with AI, these regurgitation machines can create photos that look so real that it adds legitimacy to posts from random people who we don’t even know but that are constantly served up to us as we scroll. Like, share, and comment is all that needs to be done with a few clicks to continue the wave of bullshit.
If you think I am just talking about one side of the political spectrum, you’d be wrong. I’ve managed to piss people off all along the continuum! GO ME! A rule of thumb that I have had for a while now is that if something feels extremely GOOD (I agree with it) or extremely BAD (it makes me angry) it is worth a deeper dive. Often, I discover that the meme or post is lacking in context, excludes important information or is a straight up lie. Because there is so much noise online most people will just reshare whatever feels right to them. But that’s not how you get informed or cut through the bullshit. Worse, people REALLY dislike when you challenge things because we are so polarized that it feels like a personal attack to some folks.
I divested from the Meta properties at the beginning of the year and quite frankly, it’s done me a world of good. I am still on Bluesky but I don’t have the app on my phone, so I have to go over to a desktop to consume it. Staying off my phone has helped me hop off of the 24-7 rage machine.
I was worried about missing the connection with friends but honestly, I am still very much connected to the people I want to stay in touch with. As a bonus my life has gotten MONUMENTALLY BETTER. Instead of a faucet of misery I carry around in my pocket to drown myself in over-stimulation, I’m trying to do other things. The disconnection from 600+ people has also been a huge boon to my mental state: I am reading a lot more, doing more personal writing, working on more art and watching more good shows. I find it easier to disentangle myself from the digital world because I am never fully enmeshed in it. As a result, I am a much calmer person.
But the best thing about not getting almost all of my news from social media is that I have to seek it out. It’s a little more difficult but worth it. A few things I have changed:
I went to political party websites: during the last provincial election I spent some time sifting through the party platforms and researching candidates. I will do the same for the upcoming federal election as well. I have very little interest in seeing attack ads online or sloganeering (#BlessThisAdBlocker).
I read the paper like an old person: I am not going to pretend like individual journalists don’t have their own bias but I have decided to stick with The Globe and Mail. Why? Well as Goldilocks said, “it is just right.” The Globe and Mail has me agreeing with it as much as it has me angry with it which means that it is doing its job. Also, anything owned by Postmedia (ie: most of Canada’s news) is owned by an American hedge fund. No thanks. I don’t need more conservative billionaires to tell me how to think (I am looking at you, Washington Post & LA Times). While I do love CBC for local stuff, it’s pretty beige for news. As for independent media I haven’t found one particularly unbiased source as they tend to skew super hard left or right. I do think The Walrus covers some great longread topics fairly neutrally as well.
No more Meta (or twitter but I killed that in 2018): no more facebook, no more Instagram and definitely no threads (ew). If you haven’t read The Chaos Machine, I definitely recommend it. It is basically a book on the real dangers of social media. This week a new book came out called Careless People written by an ex-employee at Meta. facebook is running around desperately trying to suppress coverage of it. Because that is a totally normal thing for people who haven’t done anything wrong to do, right?
No more google: I have moved 100% over to Firefox and use Duck-Duck-Go as my search engine (although I hear good things about Ecosia). I am in the process of moving my mail as well (but it is taking longer). I am sick of being tracked by google constantly. Search is so bad now that even if you put in the right parameters, you still get a page of ads. Want to buy from a specific store? SORRY! Best google can do is a list of dropshippers on amazon.
No more apple: whomp, whomp. This is more of an issue with their products going from top end to absolute garbage in the last 15 years. I also don’t like being tied down to an ecosystem so I am moving shortly to a Pixel phone with GrapheneOS (but that is a longer and more involved story).
Other entertainment: bye Netflix! Hello CBC Gem! Bye Spotify! Hello Quboz! I don’t want to pay companies who have shady business practices or who donate to things that go against my values. I sent an e-transfer to a creator I love last week and in return she hooked me up with a free substack subscription to her content. Substack is an absolute menace and I refuse to give them a penny of my cash (use ghost or beehiv, folks!).
Fundamentally, we get trapped into using platforms because competition gets pushed out and they lock us in. That was literally the goal of so many venture capitalist “disrupters” of the last decade. The capital kept pouring in and these companies would sell things at a loss so that no competition could get a foothold in that business. Uber and Lyft were both jousting to be the last one standing and when they were, the plan was to jack up prices and finally turn a profit. It’s bonkers! It’s the same playbook Walmart has used to grow its empire: open in small towns, decimate the local economy, be the last business for miles and make the entire community reliant on them for jobs and sundries (but not taxes, they never pay taxes).
Everything feels like it is narrowing into fewer options with a handful of owners. The White House has eliminated press passes for many media outlets, opting instead to only allow journalists who are sympathetic to the regime and who will be more likely to print their outlandish lies version of events. Even Pierre Poilievre’s team announced today that they would not be allowing journalists to travel the campaign trail with them, which is a break from what has historically happened (I will let you decide if their reasons are good ones).
Controlling the narrative has always been a goal of good PR but there is a line between convincing someone to see you in a favourable light and stifling opposing viewpoints to boost your own propaganda. I think the worse part of all of this is that we’ve done this to ourselves: we stay on platforms that we know harbour criminals and who do nothing to stop it. We go there knowing that misinformation is rampant and dissenting voices are suppressed. We know these companies have stoked violence and do little to stop harassment. These companies go against everything we stand for as people but yet we go and scroll for the memes, convincing ourselves that it is the only thing that keeps us connected because “everyone is there.”
At the Nuremberg trials famed Nazi Albert Speer said, “Hitler’s dictatorship differed in one fundamental point from all its predecessors in history. His was the first dictatorship in the present period of modern technical development, a dictatorship which made the complete use of all technical means for domination of its own country. Through technical devices like the radio and loudspeaker, 80 million people were deprived of independent thought. It was thereby possible to subject them to the will of one man.”
We say we want to save democracy but we can’t even stay off of twitter/Meta or cancel amazon Prime. It’s such an embarrassing low bar but yet, here we are. Enjoy your Volksempfanger.
* I cannot stop thinking about what happened to the men he wrote about in his book. What happened to them?
Geopolitics when you only want to be a cozy little guy
It’s winter in Canada and if you aren’t careful, it will just drag you down. Instead, we keep ourselves busy with winter sports, cozy meals and by lighting candles and keeping the fireplace lit. You have to kick at the darkness, Bruce Cockburn famously crooned, and really, it’s great advice.
Speaking of dangerous times (see what I did there?) the world feels immensely and particularly bonkers right now. It feels like reality has been flipped on its head and that we are living in the darkest timeline: aside from Trump’s threats[1], we are staring down both a federal and provincial election in 2025 and quite frankly it all feels overwhelming.
I, personally, will vote for anyone who bans twitter(sic), Meta and amazon(sic) from the country and who doesn’t act like a total sycophant towards the new US administration. As the current government (hah, what government!? BADDABUMP!) scrambles to give in to Trump’s weird ass demands in the hopes he won’t levy a tariff (ie: a tax on consumers) [2], I have a different perspective:
Look, we are playing two different games right now: we are trying to be nice and diplomatic to come to a mutual agreement and the other side is relying on hot takes and gotchus that pander to their base and it doesn’t actually matter that it is predicated on outright lies. One side is playing chess and the other checkers: sure, the board looks the same but the two games are played very differently.
The reality is that if Canada just gives in and lets the US boss it around, it won’t stop there. In a couple of weeks the goalposts will move again in a never-ending cycle of demands. I say: rip the band aid off and let the chips fall where they may. Why grovel when you can just accept your fate. [3]
You can research all you want about trade deficits (TD has one here) but the reality is that it is insanity to expect a country of 40M people to buy as much as country of 350M. We buy a metric fuckton of US goods for such a small country. In fact, if you took the US’s addiction to oil out of the equation (which we sell at a 20% discount – now 10% with the tariffs) they actually have a trade surplus. … But we don’t have to buy only from the US and quite frankly maybe we shouldn’t.
Look, I don’t want it to go down like this but I think if we learned any lesson from the past 9 years is that being diplomatic doesn’t get you far. This whole, “when they go low, we go high” bullshit hasn’t worked in elections and it certainly was a rude awakening on Jan 6, 2021 (pardoning people who also had these charges would be political death in the beforetimes). Never in the history of the world has giving a bully your lunch money stopped him from beating you up again the next day.
“War is no time for soft Cheesies!
Gather ‘round my children, for I am from the 80s and I will treat you to a glimpse at life before NAFTA, the internet, and TEMU/Shein. Indeed, there was a time when we did not get everything we wanted for $1 at the Dollarama (I kid, that stuff is at least $2.50 now).
When I was a child, my mother once splurged on strawberries in January. When my grandmother found out, she was horrified. “Es-tu riche?” she chided my mother. You see, before free trade we just didn’t eat berries in winter. They are difficult to grow and transport and because of the high cost, people just went without until strawberry season in June. I certainly didn’t even eat an avocado until I went out for “fancy” dinner at a Tex-Mex place when I was about 10.
Most food we ate in winter was either brassicas, potatoes, carrots or canned fruits and vegetables. We got clementines at Christmas and some of my fondest childhood memories are of gorging myself on them while watching Saturday morning cartoons. If you wanted corn on the cob, cucumbers and lettuce well, those were summer vegetables. While I wouldn’t say we ate 100% with the seasons, we ate way more seasonally than we do now. Otherwise, it was food from the cold storage (apples, potatoes), canned (pineapple/peas) and frozen (OJ/corn). By the end of the sweet corn season in September you were so sick of it you basically were done for a long, long time.
“GASP!” you say. “I could never! I need the horking avocado chunk goji berry with almond milk smoothie bowl for breakfast! You are bringing us back to the dark ages!”
NAH, I am really not. What I am saying is that if you want to eat in a certain way, you are going to have to pay for it. Tariffs will just bring that expense more in line with the actual cost of things. It just costs more to bring food from other places and the bigger or more delicate or prone to spoiling it is, the more it will be. Heck, even if you want fresh juice verses canned concentrate that’s going to be a premium.
It’s not just food though: our houses were smaller, we didn’t own as much clothing, we rarely ate out and kids owned a lot fewer toys. You’re cold? Throw on a sweater! I can remember only a couple of kids who went to Disney in elementary school and one person who took a trip to Greece. Middle class families just didn’t spend March break traveling to resorts like many people do today because things were so much more expensive. When I was in elementary school, almost everyone had sticker books and traded stickers. Stickers were $5 a pack in the early 80s – not adjusted for inflation! They were super expensive! Now I can get thousands of stickers for the same price online. We got maybe a few clothing items at the beginning of the school year and those clothes had to last the entire year. But it lasted – and many a parent spent their evenings sewing patches on our knees. I suspect you also are familiar with Shein clothing hauls where you can buy tissue-paper thin – but fashionable – items for less than a Starbucks coffee. If it rips? Well, you can just toss it out! We are gorging ourselves on goods that are financially cheap and widely available but at a huge cost to the environment, human rights and our own sanity as we try and store and keep up with trends.
Life has been overrun with excess and Canada’s food waste alone is 50 TONS. Yes, we have municipal composting but I think this speaks to a larger issue: if you can access cheap food and cheap clothes and cheap EVERYTHING really, you have no respect for it. If gas is cheap, you drive everywhere. If toys are cheap, why not surprise junior with more consumer goods? [4] When I had a sticker book as a kid and I went to trade a scratch-n-sniff sticker for a puffy sticker, you bet your ass we peeled those bad boys off with the precision skill of a neurosurgeon! At $5 for 10-12, we were not gonna rip them because no one was going to buy us more at that price!
Appreciating what you have is very difficult to achieve because once you feel entitled to a certain lifestyle, anything less is seen as a hardship. We want more. Although I do wear sweaters in the house, I also have no qualms about raising the heat if I am cold. My grandmother would NEVER! She went through two wars, a depression, the cold war, the oil crisis and huge inflation of the 70s and 80s. Add to this the constant swiping on social media, the relentless advertising and how our friends and neighbours are doing streamed right to our faceholes constantly, we often can feel as if we are behind, not as successful. That leaves us susceptible to grifters and politicians (sometimes they are both) who still use the old lines of making life better when life is already pretty perfect. There is a great scene in the 2018 Dracula that really resonated with me. It’s set when he awakens in present day in a dirty, old house that is clearly not taken care of:
Dracula: Kathleen, isn’t it?
Kathleen: yeah
Dracula: What’s wrong with your servants, Kathleen? Is it their day off? I’m assuming you have staff, you’re clearly very wealthy.
Kathleen: Wealthy?
Dracula: Yes. Well, look at all this stuff. All this food. The moving picture box…and that thing outside, Bob calls it um, a car. Is that yours?
Kathleen: yes
Dracula: …and this treasure trove is your house?
Kathleen: it’s a dump.
Dracula: It’s amazing! Kathleen, I’ve been a nobleman for 400 years. I’ve lived in castles and palaces among the richest people of any age. Never, never have I stood in greater luxury than surrounds me now. This is a chamber of marvels! There isn’t a king, or queen or emperor that I have ever known – or eaten – who would step into this room and ever agree to leave it again…I knew the future would bring wonders. I did not know it would make them ordinary.
I don’t want to say that there aren’t problems to solve. There are always plenty of problems to solve and modern life makes new and exciting problems to tackle as well. But there are two ways to solve the problem of habituation and unappreciation: you either increase or decrease. Increasing a standard of living means there is no end to what you want. No finish line. But conversely, you can only decrease so far. Similarly, decreasing something through sheer will is really difficult because everyone around you is still living status quo. Of course, if you are forced, you can eventually adjust. A trade war forces your hand pretty damn quickly, it would appear. It forces it for you, it forces it for your family and friends and if you are banded together against a foe – well – all the better to fuel the fire!
Nothing brings a country together like someone threatening to take you over. As Canada (like the rest of the world) has become more polarized, it was heartening that it only took a few nasty comments to get us all pulling together. r/BuyCanadian and other subs were absolutely hopping last week with a determination to focus financial support for Canadian companies and divest from US ones as much as possible. Nothing brings two side together like a common foe. The debate on the feasibility of the impact of that effort rages on, but at a core level, I think in times of high anxiety it’s important to feel like you CAN do your part. This is where the value lies. If you feel like you are doing your part then you aren’t just sitting around stressing about things you are powerless about.
Of course, the tariffs got a 30 day stay but what is done is done: Canadians are still super angry and feel that they can’t trust the US. I am sure many businesses in North America are scrambling to find other suppliers and exporters who may not be covered under the tariff scheme[5]. Everything seems really chaotic and dark right now but if anything, I try and stay positive and I have tons of experience with putting on a brave face. So here are some positives that may come to pass if tariffs kick in again:
We will survive Canada and the US have a lengthy history of tariffs but it would not decimate our economy. Would our standard of living go down? Absolutely. But for the average Canadian, it would make us reckon with our values. Our core goal should be for those of us who are affected the least to help the most vulnerable among us who will be affected the most.
More trading partners: I agree that Mexico/US/Canada have become too complacent in our cozy friendship. I mean, most countries do most of their trading with their neighbours because it keeps costs down. But diversification is key to a strong portfolio and it’s key here. We should never make ourselves reliant on one or two countries for our imports. That’s the lesson here.
Less waste: if you pay $2 for a clamshell of blueberries you probably don’t care if they go mouldy because, heck, it was only a toonie. But if it goes up to $5 you will care about eating it before it goes to waste. When I was young and poor AF, I ate my pantry bare every month. This is because I couldn’t just run out and nab more food because the money was gone too.
More repairing & DIY: prices are going to get higher so I am hoping that this BUY CANADIAN movement also involves thrifting more stuff given we have enough clothes right now for 100 years, making do by repairing things instead of replacing things, and for the things we would have typically bought, trying DIY. In fact, Mr. Tucker is learning to make soap this weekend (which is unrelated except to say that he can’t find the kind of soap he likes). Even if we can get cheap clothes from China, there is already a list circulating for Canadian/non-US options. It will cost more but I hope people will switch back to owning classic, well made pieces that can be repaired and still look great. For example, I was looking for wool socks last year and checked all of the usual places. I ended up buying a mediocre pair from Mark’s Work Warehouse (a Canadian company) but only discovered recently the existence of Purple Moose which sells two pairs for $22.
I still get irrationally angry everytime I see this tweet
Learning new skills: there are a lot of reasons to hate Uber but let’s face it: we have become addicted to the ease of ride hailing and food delivery. I haven’t used it myself since a ridiculous experience in Oakland (jfc, they couldn’t even get OAKLAND right!) but I know a lot of people are addicted to delivery. It’s a good time to learn how to make a few core dishes that you can throw together quickly, or get together with friends to make meals to freeze. If you are disabled or elderly, most urban areas have Meals on Wheels and more expensive options that are local. On top of that, it’s important to know a few basic skills such as sewing a button and hemming pants.
Less junk: a lot of the food we import is either SUPER HEALTHY (veggies and fruits) or SUPER AWFUL (pop and junk food). Sure, crap is easier to cut out because you don’t need it and you can replace a lot of it. Every year my CSA offers an add-on fruit for jam makers and folks who freeze fruit for winter. I suspect if the momentum lasts there may be folks freezing, buying from other countries, or choosing greenhouse produce (if you are as rich as Mr. Moneybags, I guess).
Keeping more money in the community: I am seeing a lot of hand-wringing about people wondering what will happen to the workers if we boycotted a chain and that location went under. If everyone still drinks the same amount of coffee, the workers can move to a bustling local business AND keep more money in your community. Money you pay for a chain – yes, even Tim Horton’s was sold to a US/Brazilian company – leaves your community and country.
Less reliance on cars: the one thing that will explode in price will be automobiles made with just-in-time components that travel through Mexico/US/Canada through a variety of processes. Those jobs tend to be union jobs and well paid ones & tariffs will affect that industry immensely. Maybe this would force the government to invest in better public transportation and speed trains would be back on the menu?
But also maybe the price of cars and gas will decline but we can get reasonably priced Chinese EVs which could a> soak up factory workers here for finishing within the country, b> make use of all of the mining and electricity that we are currently exporting. If I had a stretch dream in this particular scenario, it would be that smaller cars would come to be seen as a flex, and large gas guzzlers would come to represent a certain gaucheness of a world gone by.
I would be stupid to say that there aren’t downsides. It’s going to be a very rough few years even if it ends up only being tariffs. But it’s not UNSURMOUNTABLE if it is only tariffs.
I would like to point out that no one should feel badly for not being able to spend more money on inexpensive goods/services. In fact, if you are vulnerable, you should probably stock up on as many sales of products other people aren’t buying right now. Live as lean as you can so you have as much of a buffer as you can if (when) things get rocky. Put your own oxygen mask on first.
If you are a person who has some extra cash, please consider sending it to charities in your community. We’ve doubled our food bank donation this year because they are in crisis with many only being able to give 2-3 days of food a month per family. In times of crisis, shelters see an increase in need. Donate money if you can, time if you cannot. Heck, just go out and meet your neighbours and see if they need something if your heading out to the store.
Finally, let me put on my tin foil hat on for a second and say this: Ontarians in Canada have two elections this year. All of the large social media platforms, search engines, and many US news agencies are owned by billionaires you cannot trust. These algorithms will only let you see what they want you to see, searches may be throttled by their politics, opinion pieces bought and sold and many comments everywhere could be bad actors. When making political decisions go right to the source: the candidate & party websites. Seek out independent media and media not owned by people with a history of shady behaviour. Everything feels like a scam right now because everything is a scam.
I am no protectionist. I spend a lot of time in the US and the people I speak to the most (outside of my family) are The Americans[6] (as I’ve lovingly referred to them here before). I am scared for them and the instability of their country. I am scared for people in the US who are losing their jobs, who aren’t getting paid and who are staring down high prices for no reason. I’m scared for people who don’t fit the current administration’s mould who have ‘go bags’ with their passports and money because everything is so chaotic right now. I have a lot more in common with my American friends than I have with many Canadians. I don’t optimize for nationality in my friendships. I optimize for humour, intelligence, and kindness (extra points if you have niche hobbies!).
Alas, I have no pro tips for the world’s move towards fascism.
[1] I started writing this last Friday.
[2] SHOCKED PIKACHU: he did. Canada retaliated. Monday they agreed to a 30 day stay…in return for what we promised to do in January. Make it make sense.
[3] I guess we will see if Canada gets invaded like he threatens, then NATO retaliates. Then Russia and China take advantage of the global north’s weakened position to invade NA via the west and the arctic…*thinks happy thoughts*
[4] Yes, you can absolutely go against the grain and chose to buy more expensive, quality things. But when you live in a culture that expects 10 costume changes a day, it’s challenging to not fit in with what everyone else is doing. When my kids were younger I tried to buy fewer toys but paid more for them. I had a local woodworker make a cute truck for crayons, I bought wood puzzles and LEGO. But this all unraveled the moment when my kids started going to birthday parties. When you can wow a kid with a $20 plastic Walmart toy, it’s disheartening when you spend 3x as much on something well crafted that the kid ignores. I just gave in and started buying the less expensive plastic toy so that my kids could experience the joy of giving their friends gifts they liked. I will admit that most of that was on me and my feelings but it’s difficult to choose a different path when this is culturally ingrained. As for myself, I started asking that people NOT bring gifts to my children’s parties and all of the loot bags I started giving were gift cards to a bookstore.
But the problem with trying to live even a wee bit outside of the norm is that you make it so much more difficult for yourself. If you have kids it is even more challenging because dragging them in seems almost unfair. So you compromise.
[5] If Trump really cared about protectionism he would have quietly invested in companies to replace the largest imports before releasing the tariffs. Otherwise, it just appears to be a social media ploy to get likes.
It’s Sunday morning in winter so naturally I am alone. The Eldest teaches skiing and The Youngest still takes Snowboarding lessons which leaves me in the house my myself. Mr. Tucker is up-and-at-‘em at O’dark early to get The Eldest to her bus and then has a brief respite before dragging The Youngest up to a mountain for her lesson. It’s a super busy time of year but if you don’t keep yourself busy and active, you will just languish in the dark and cold.
The condo and work
I remembered recently that I hadn’t really updated since July’s big drama. The TL;DR of it all is: we did lower the interest rate and we managed to rent out the condo to a lovely young couple. So that is going well at least. Rest assured we are making zero profit from this & I know that makes me shitty at being a landlord but I am ok with that. Mr. Tucker continues to be employed by the same company and his workload is more manageable than he originally thought. Because they cut so deep though, he did toss in his hat to do some on call for another colleague who was managing on her own 24/7. Thankfully, there are rarely after hours issues that need to be actioned.
Mr. Tucker has made the decision to just stay put for the foreseeable future and let the chips fall where they may. Part of it is sheer curiosity of what will happen in 2025 and part of it is that work is more manageable than he originally thought it would be when it all went down last July. Some of the people who were laid off have discovered that a lot of tech work – especially work-from-home tech work – has dried up and pays a lot less than it did previously. He realizes that he has it good with his well-paying WFH gig and a job he is great at, so he will ride it out until the bitter end.
Also, the future all seems so uncertain right now (does it ever feel certain?) and for context, I am writing this a week after Trump’s inauguration, and he is currently scatter gunning commentary and threatening takeovers and tariffs all over the place. I suspect that at some point Mr. Tucker’s job will get caught up in the crossfire as we live in Canada and his company is in the US. There are already rumblings about profitability and if another layer of complications comes down the pipe, we may see them just throw in the towel on international hires.
Personal Renaissance (formerly known as the mid-life crisis)
Last year when I had my hysterectomy I had to have a blood transfusion. After years and years of being severely anemic, a transfusion was like being on uppers for the first time! Despite the fact I was recovering from an intense abdominal surgery that went a bit sideways, I had a lot more energy than I had experienced in a decade. It was incredible! Then, in the summer, we quit drinking alcohol and my quality of life increased dramatically. Gone were the lethargic days, heartburn and fuzzy-headedness.
Given these things, I decided to change up my meds at the end of Rocktober and WOWEE I am not kidding when I say it changed my life. I suddenly had a lot more energy, my PLS symptoms got better and I wanted to do more things for myself such as work out and have a decent skin care routine. So I did!
I learned how to make my skin feel and look better with budget products (thank you to the budget videos by Dr. Idriss!). I signed myself back up for physiotherapy and massage[1] in an attempt to build strength and decrease spasticity and so far it is working really well. I also started spending a little extra money on getting my hair and nails done professionally. For someone who has NEVER really spent much money on beauty products it has been a super large leap for me to actually care about those things[2] ! So far I have zero regrets: I look better, I feel better and I am generally more confident and feel less frumpy.
We have added a few extras back into our budget and it feels good to splurge a bit more. We don’t eat out at all but instead have a lovely fancy dinner once every couple of months. It’s really worked out in terms of value because there is a lot of space around these splurgy events so they stand out and are truly enjoyed.
I also am currently taking an art class through the city. It reaffirms that I am definitely not an artist but it’s been a great, soothing way to spend Mondays during the indoor months. It’s lovely to be in a room of folks all similarly concentrated on their small art projects and most of them on my level: enjoying the process but aren’t lying to themselves about their artistic abilities. I think doing things is fun even when you aren’t good at them. Maybe even ESPECIALLY if you aren’t good at them because the pressure to perform is off.
Budgety 2025
I mentioned previously that we had met all of our financial goals. The house is paid off. We have a solid income via my disability to support our family (and life insurance should the worst happen). Mr. Tucker’s retirement accounts are definitely coasting – and by that I mean that when my disability income replacement ends in 16 years, it will have increased enough via compound interest to support a pretty darn good lifestyle when combined with CPP/OAS – even if we never put another cent in.
Still, our cash savings is lower than I’d like it to be given that should Mr. Tucker lose his job AND we lose our renters, it would just kill our budget. So this year is about getting those cash reserves up in 2025 so that we can carry everything we need to in an emergency. I think we will be laser focused on getting cash into our TFSAs this year.
Another win for us is that we have fully funded The Eldest’s RESP! By that I mean, we have caught up to the point where we no longer get the 20% matching (up to $7200) from the feds. So now we only have 2025-2026 to get the full matching for The Youngest.
RDSP contributions are also done. The Disability Savings Program is so strange in the fact that you can only get grant matching until December 31st of the year you turn 49. Whomp whomp: I turned 49 in December. I can’t be mad at the 100% return on the RDSP grant though.
This brings me to another finale in our childrearing years: now that The Eldest is 16, the last big thing we will pay for is her driving classes and her driver’s license. I am signing up for her classes this week so that she can take her G2 exit exam as soon as possible & then next year she can get her full G. Combined with the money we have invested to help her get her jobs (ski instructor in winter, wading pool attendant in the summer), her driver’s license, and money for education, she is all ready to be an adult out in the world! Two more years and her sister will follow suit!
This is The Youngest’s last year of snowboarding lessons and next year she will take her snowboarding instructor course. This summer will be her last year of sailing lessons where she will hopefully be able to get her CanSail 4. We will get her CPR/SFA and her motorboat license and hope that next year she can come back to be a sailing camp instructor. The we will get her driving lessons and pay for her license and she is off as well!
It is crazy to think that we are almost out of summer camps and kid activities. It’s been a long and expensive road but I truly believe it is worth it. I have zero regrets about having kids and the expense of children generally. My kids are amazing and while I recognize that parenting isn’t for everyone, it has definitely been a worthwhile wonderful adventure for us and I genuinely like my children as people[3].
You have to kick at the darkness…
I have been trying not to mainline news but the news is still mainlining me. Even Youtube feels like a game of whack-a-mole and chicken all at the same time. I click “not interested” and like a Hydra, a new political video pops up in its place. It seems that everywhere I go it’s just one crappy headline after another. The fact that we are in the coldest and darkest days here in Canada definitely doesn’t help. Then of course, tax season is coming down the pipe so it is almost time to round up all of our paperwork for that. Until then, we are trying to stuff our tax-advantaged accounts as much as possible to reduce our taxable income (because I *always* owe because they don’t tax CPP-D at the source).
But there are still glimmers of light! Since divesting from social media many friends have reached out via Signal, email or text. The evenings have been spent sitting in front of the fireplace with tea and books. Mr. Tucker and I start our days with coffee in the dining room where we have fresh flowers to remind us that spring does eventually come (it never feels like that in January and February). I even paid our veggie CSA this week, so that is also a harbinger of a new year. In the mornings, we light a beeswax candle and start our days softly chatting instead of picking up our phones. Mr. Tucker has even spent some of his down time picking oil painting back up again.
I guess that is just it, when it comes down to it: you have to just keep focusing on the little joys day-to-day & trudging forward with your goals and dreams.
[1] Our benefits partially cover some of these expenses
[2] I know some people will feel that vain but so be it: we all have different splurges and that’s ok
[3] So far! I hope it stays that way!
I am reading Dataclysm. Although I’m only in the Intro, I suspect that in the 11 years since its been written, much has changed and his optimism was misguided.
“In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer.
And that makes me happy. For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there’s something stronger – something better, pushing right back.”
I ordered bi-weekly flower delivery from a local florist. Before it let me check out I *had* to put something in the notes section so I flippantly wrote the above. I had no idea they’d actually hand write a card! 🤦♀️
Mr. Tucker has watched a Youtube channel called Punk Rock MBA periodically for a few years now. I watched a few videos myself but since it really isn’t music I dig, I never subscribed. In September 2024, he announced that he was leaving, posted one last video and then grabbed his toys and went home.
Ok, sure. That’s fair. Shit gets old. He’s onto other things now.
But when Mr. Tucker went to read the comments on the last video, he discovered some very, very, angry people. I guess an interview with the Punk Rock MBA guy dropped, gained traction and pissed a LOT of people off. This is the interview:
The TL;DR of it all is: he was only in it for the money. He was good at marketing, figured out what drew people in to watch, like and subscribe to his channel and when he met his financial goals, he peaced out. Some people were very understandably pissed off.
Although I’ve never been emotionally invested in his content, I can understand why people are. The key here is that our entire cultural communities are based on parasocial relationships. We get attached to communities and invested in like-minded people in a way that we feel some kind of ownership over them. So when they do things we find shocking, we feel angry and betrayed. Social media has ramped the problems with parasocial relationships up to 11.
Thanks to social media, the line that has historically been drawn between famous people and the Hoi Polloi has been deep: rarely did you know something about your favourite stars outside of magazines and tv. You never had access to people whose art you enjoyed like you do today online. There was this firewall of gatekeepers who fed us scraps of information via their content. But now everyone creates content and there is no longer that barrier.
Of course, there have always been fans who have gone too far. Keanu Reeves had his house broken into by a fan and John Lennon was murdered by a fan, to name some high profile examples. But these were before the internet had an absolute chokehold on interactions between fans and high profile people. In fact, with the advent of social media it has become a way to GET famous if you manage to get a viral post or two off the ground.
Chappell Roan enters the chat
Chappell Roan is a very interesting case. She started by playing small gigs and trying to leverage social media to gain traction for her music – like many artists who market their talents. But unlike 99.9% of artists, she had LARGEST leap to fame that I think anyone has ever had in such a short time. This does not mean she appeared out of nowhere – she was opening for Vance Joy 7 years ago and has been trying to get her music out there for a long time. But this chart has made the rounds and it is important to note just how huge she got in less than a year.
I feel like this essay by Eliza McLamb sums up a lot of it (found via Bernstein’s podcast, which is worth the watch: A Bit Fruity). What do you do with a stratospheric rise to fame? How do you manage it psychologically? In this day and age, the retort is always, “But this is what you asked for. It’s the price of fame.” But people are stalking her family at work, they’re stalking her and apparently she has even been sexually assaulted. I think we all need to figure out where the line is and unfortunately because some people are unable to even see that there is a line, the line must be very clear. Even then, as Eliza mentions in the podcast, Chappell Roan asking this of people is, “like trying to hold back the ocean” but she also says that Roan’s coming out and setting this boundary may carve a path for other artists in the future to also set boundaries for their own sanity.
The lines get blurry quickly from “big gay sleepover party” to “this is just my job” when your fanbase grows by millions and millions of people so quickly. Naturally, the parasocial relationship that drew people into her fanbase now feels like a betrayal when they learn that CR is not their friend and that the big hug they thought they were getting is now just an entertainment machine.
It’s Britney, bitch
We collectively have gone through a huge reckoning with the price of fame, most recently with the Britney Spears conservatorship. But I don’t think we have learned our lesson.
The entire world drove her insane, then we blamed her for what we did for her. The found of TMZ, Harvey Levin famously said, “Britney is gold. She is crack to our readers. Her life is a complete train-wreck, and I thank God for her every day.” This was a very normal thing to say in the Noughties but now it feels just gross, knowing what we know now. Heck, I didn’t even pay attention to her, or to magazines or tv and media in that decade and I still feel gross about being a part of the culture machine that abused her, allowed her children to be taken away by her lying ex-husband, forced birth control on her and then led to her indentured servitude where she was forced to generate money for her abusive family. If you have covid memory loss or live under a rock, Wikipedia has a great synopsis of this funhouse of horrors.
When all this came out we were horrified. #FreeBritney indeed. Freed she was from her conservatorship but fans still regularly call authorities to do wellness checks on her. I remember once I was served up a video of her dancing with a knife (her videos are mostly of her dancing!) and people were freaking out – and it was in the ramp up to Halloween! It was clearly meant to be seasonally-themed! But it’s yet another X against parasociality in the age of concern trolling. We get to directly affect her life by calling the cops to do a wellness check instead of TMZ being the intermediary of trauma…oh goody?
Blurred lines
Social media has commodified authenticity and I think for a long time there was sincerity there but it couldn’t stay that way when there was money to be made. Like the optimism in the 90s that the internet would be the great equalizer, I think people believed social media would do that as well, especially with art. Artists could build fanbases[1], get their art or music out to a worldwide audience and make a viable go at becoming somewhat famous but without the abusive intermediaries from before. I truly think it started to go downhill when these sites moved from chronological to algorithmic-based feeds. But not even the drama of the Cambridge Analytica scandal made people angry enough to leave.
But like frogs in the proverbial pot that is set to boil, these platforms demanded more and more. More reels/short videos, a more robust posting schedule, more engagement in the comments and DMs. The algorithm favours divisive posts and so the posts became more divisive. We were constantly feeding the beast and the beast devoured our time and energy but gave us less and less in return. People were complaining about shadow bans and other shady practices. Artists started complaining that they couldn’t do art and also keep up with the intense posting schedules that these platforms demanded of them just so that they would have their content served up to …the people who signed up for, and who actually want to see, their content. It boggles from a human point of view but not from an economic one: these platforms need you to keep churning out more and more free content for them so they can keep eyeballs on their apps and the advertising dollars keep rolling in. So if you aren’t creating content for them, they’re going to throttle what content you do share. So if the authentic folks are throwing in the towel, who is left?
Nature abhors a vacuum
Grifters. Grifters like PRM.
These folks peddle an air of authenticity and meanwhile clean up in the background on topics they just don’t give a flying fuck about. Humans are designed to trust and for a long time the internet sold us this narrative that you could do what you love AND be rewarded for it. So we just trusted that the creators who made videos about the things we loved, ALSO loved those things. We craved community and like-minded people but what we got was clever marketers who are sussing out what the people want and giving it to them.
But should we be mad at PRM? Afterall, we got the entertainment we were promised. He released finely tweaked videos devoid of opinion and substance so that we could imprint whatever feelings or beliefs we wanted to onto them. You have to admire the marketing skill, to be honest.
But conversely, he knew exactly what he was capitalizing on: people feeling a parasocial connection to a creator that they could relate to. An expert who loved the same music as they did and someone who felt comforting to watch. There is a reason that he wasn’t up front about his strategy from the get-go: he knew that people weren’t just looking for videos, they were looking for a community.
It’s fundamentally a pig butchering scam but cast with a wider net and no victims except the attention and time you spent watching the ads on his videos. Oh, and the betrayal some people feel for trusting.
The same need for community that Chappell Roan and PRM leveraged had two completely different outcomes: one flew too close to the sun like Icarus and got burned, and the other little piggy went “wee, wee, wee all the way home.”
Small f famous
Of course, between BIG B Britney and BIG C Chappell & me (not famous at all) is myriad of somewhat famous people who live a life that Eliza McLamb (in her essay linked above) calls, “cross the street famous.” The folks who can mostly go about their daily lives but who have 50K-2M followers on a variety of platforms. They can do their own groceries or go to a restaurant but at a film or music festival they’d probably get swarmed. I feel like these folks are in a more precarious situation in terms of stalkers or fan demands: they can survive on their art, but they can’t really afford a security detail.
I see a lot of these in-between folks bowing out of having an online presence for the most part. They’re still posting shows and events but I feel like if they don’t have to be a part of the social media circus, they won’t be. There used to be more personal twitter accounts, tumblr blogs and Instagram accounts that had behind-the-scene content that fans loved. But a lot of it has dried up in recent years and I think that is because some fans are so unhinged that it feels invasive. Parasociality has made the comments get weirder and weirder and I don’t blame folks for retreating from posting as fans (and haters) believe that they should be able to barf up the most horrible takes for the world to see.
A great example in that category of famous-but-can-probably-still-do-groceries I would put a band like Motionless in White[2]. A pretty solid following, a bunch of albums, tons of years of grinding/touring & they’ve built a pretty loyal fan base. A band in that category of folks who are big in their own genre but unheard of by most people on the outside.
This (shaky, poor quality but yet excellent) interview highlights that when you are small f famous, you still reach a point where you get all of the craziness of fame but without the benefits of big F fame. Of course, I will point out that Chappell Roan is a petite woman and Chris Motionless is a very tall man but this nutter called HIS MOM. She found their drummer’s phone number and even when confronted did NOT STOP. I have no idea how or if this situation was resolved but the absolute audacity of this person. Worse, the realization that you are dealing with someone who may not even have the capacity to understand is a mindfuck, too: what do you do with someone who doesn’t even comprehend that their behaviour is scary AF? It’s a funny story that makes for great interview fodder but there is darkness, too:
Look, I want to say for the record that I couldn’t really tell you what most of the musicians I enjoy look like out in the world, and I don’t follow them on social media. This is not some edgy flex, I am certainly not cooler than thou (and may I remind you that I trip over my own feet with alarming regularity?) I just don’t know them & I probably don’t want to. While I love music (what kind of psycho does not?) I have just learned that the phrase “never meet your idols” is just sound advice[3]. I would rather not care to learn that people whose music/movies/books I relate to are just unpleasant people, generally, let alone discover that they are absolute monsters[4]. But I get that some people make artists and scenes their entire personalities and I get why that happens: humans need community and for a lot of people that isn’t available to them in the meat space.
I know people think CR is a monster for boosting her career via social media, encouraging parasociality and then turning around and telling people to stop talking to her. But it is absolutely not the same when you have 20 thousand followers vs. millions. To put it into context, she has 6M people following her on instagram alone. That means that if she spent 1 minute with each of them, it would take her 4166 days or 11.41 years to greet fans. Who has that kind of time?
Paywall attention to the man behind the curtain
Clearly, boundaries are in order. But there are no clear boundaries when in the west we’ve watched Princess Diana get run off the road & killed in a car accident while being chased by Paparazzi. The laws are also still in flux in terms of rights to privacy. (But some scholars are arguing for better definitions)
In the CR debate, many people agreed with her in principal but disagreed that she shouldn’t expect people to not recognize her in public and talk to her. Like most things in the past 20 years, the internet has made things incredibly murky and having a social media presence where you’ve leveraged people’s connection to you, it seems very difficult to walk it back now that you’ve achieved superstardom. I think in CR’s case she had probably slogged it out in the trenches for a long time believing she may only reach small f famous so she was vastly unprepared for the Fame Slingshot ride to launch her straight into the stratosphere. It’s clear in her video that she is exhausted and angry that her life & her family to come under siege by rabid fans and unfortunately, the normal fans get swept up into the fray as well. I think that is where the disconnect is: normal people feel they shouldn’t be punished for the behaviours of a few bonkers folks but unfortunately: #yesallfans.
We have come to expect 24-7 entertainment for free, or for very little (being served up ads). We feel incredibly entitled to having everything from videos, music and art on demand when we want it (and we want it now!). So it’s not surprising that people feel entitled to creep into the DMs of, or demand hugs from, their favourite artists. It’s the culture we’ve created. It’s the kind of culture where clever marketers like PRM win, and art loses.
Since I have already simped for capitalism by having a blog marginally related to personal finance, I don’t think it will shock anyone to see that I think the only solution to this issue is: make people pay up.
I know it seems crass to reduce a fanbase to a monetary transaction, but I think it is the only fair way to manage. There are not enough hours in the day to answer every DM, meet every fan, and take every selfie with fans outside the venue. I am seeing more and more bands do fan meet-and-greets (and those usually come with other perks as well) or panels/talks at festivals and I’m not mad about it. I think KISS started it, ComicCons popularized it, and many bands are now doing it as well[5]. It always amazes me when people criticize these sorts of events for being a money grab but I ask these people: do you work for free? Yeah, probably not. A tour is work. I guarantee you when you are at work dreaming of all of the other things you could be doing, bands are also doing that except they don’t get to go home to their families after. I have many friends who love their jobs & even some who get amazing perks like travel and fine dining but even they wouldn’t do it for free.
You can love what you do. You can appreciate your fanbase. You can also recognize that there are only so many hours in the day and so much energy you have to give. It’s normal to admit that you are human and have human limits. Fans who say shit like this DM Eliza McLamb posted overstate their contribution:
You got what you paid for: a concert. What you are asking for: free overtime and emotional labour.
“You are not allowed to yell at me about this unless you pay me. That is the new rule.”
You bet I hit that subscribe button so fast!
What a delight it was to open BlueSky tonight and see this amazing exchange. I, myself, have used the line, “I don’t take homework assignments from strangers” whenever some Tech Bro wanted to have a Bad Faith argument on social media but I think this is way more effective.
Many more creators are putting their content either on Nebula, or in Patreon (and others) because of the penchant for trolls to do the most unhinged things from swatting to en masse reporting of videos, triggering demonetization. It hasn’t solved 100% of the issue – Contrapoints had to repost a video to their Patreon after a mass effort took down her unlisted GamerGate video. Fill your boots, I guess. She got it back up AND she has your $5. Win/win in the end, I suppose.
Caveat emptor
I don’t have a solution for “bad” actors like PRM, however. Trying to police authenticity online is trying to get grampa to stop talking to scammers on his landline. Grifters aren’t playing by the same rules. But if we go into it thinking that every creator is like a boy band: a fictional creation of a clever PR person, it should be ok. The Sex Pistols were, in fact, a clever creation and we still consider them a cultural touchstone…and who doesn’t love the Spice Girls?
We don’t get angry with journalists who write articles about things they don’t care about and I don’t think we need to make creators our entire personality, either. I mean sure, it is much easier to create something if you care about the topic but it isn’t a requirement. I think we have also blurred the lines between artist and creator. Nothing on PRM’s channel could actually be considered art. But people inferred art and inferred community where there was none. I actually feel sorry for people who are just trying to get a foothold in art or in even creating informative channels because the future isn’t looking very authentic. In a post-truth world, we should probably all assume that everything could just be an elaborate ruse.
Fundamentally, people are angry with PRM because they’re angry with themselves for getting sucked in. I think – especially after the last week – it’s time for us to realize that the only winners in the game of parasocial relationships are tech companies. Everything feels like it’s circling the drain and I wish I had a solution for artists and creators to get their stuff out there without all of us hopping onto the hamster wheel of selling our personal information and pulling down on the endless scrolling slot machine.
So Usenet or Blogrolls, anyone?
[1]Not just art, there have been a lot of people made famous by social media and Tim Ferriss talks about almost being kidnapped when he was still low on the famous totem pole. He wrote 11 Reasons Not to Become Famous in response to his experiences.
[2]So some background here: Metal isn’t a genre I know ANYTHING about. It’s Mr. Tucker’s thing and he enjoys different styles of the genre (why are there so many!?). I grew up with the Punk/Goth/Industrial kids and the Eldest was born in 2008 so I missed all of the fun metalmusic stuff that came out of that era. But I came across Shonalika’s video on how Goth is White which led to Gender, Power and Heavy Metal…and now all I’ve been listening to is In This Moment and Motionless in White for a month now. Kinda a genre made for refugees of those scenes, tbqh. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[4]As I write this, Neil Gaiman is currently being exposed for being an absolute shitbag and quite frankly I am grateful to have never really resonated with his work as a teen. Gen X friends are positively beside themselves this week.
[5]I am not going to touch the state of the music industry here with its 360 contracts, nor will I address how promoters are offering VIP packages sans-band-meet.
(I honestly wish I remembered the HTML for footnotes but I don’t. I am having a hard enough time remembering that HTML writes “centre” the American way & it’s my #1 code mistake)
One of the things I have done this past December is cut down on the amount of Personal Finance blogs/Substacks, videos and podcasts that I consume. At the end of the day, most of the content out there is just splitting hairs for nerds or a rehashing of the same advice. I still enjoy it but honestly, I am well past the point where I GAF* about whether or not, for example, people should buy XEQT or VEQT and save cents on the dollar when we live in a world where most people struggle to even save $100. That isn’t the bottleneck for most people, the basics are. This isn’t shade to those creators – some people love those debates and love reading and writing about them. But I am done with the made-up hand-wringing of nothingburger questions.
Part of this is because we’ve made it: we’ve achieved our goals and quite frankly this content hasn’t been enjoyable for a while, so I am going to just stop. It used to be that I enjoyed reading that content because it felt nice to read people’s individual struggles when I was going through my own. But the other part is that the core tenets of personal finance haven’t changed in a really long time. Sure, the methodology and access to investments has changed but the basics of how to manage money has not really moved the needle since OG DJ Chuck D said, “Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen and six, result happiness. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty-pound ought and six, result misery.”
Another part of this is that I am just so sick and tired of the constant ads, amazon affiliate links, pop-ups and course offerings shilled by every website. Again, no shade to those creators at ALL: the bills must be paid and somewhere along the way we have collectively decided that user-hostile websites & affiliate links was the way we would pay for content. I actually prefer when creators write books because it feels satisfying to hold a book in my hot little hands (I have also bought books for my kindle, so that works, too). I think I just enjoy having all of the info in one place, offline. But it’s become off-putting when I hit a website where it’s pop-ups and ads skewing the window and there are so many affiliate links, calls to action and mediocre course offerings/coaching** that consists of someone just editing a mish mash of content you can find for free online and giving it a fancy new name, “It’s not a budget! We hates budgets, don’t we Precious! It’s Personal Accountability Tool!”
This is also just discussing people who I actually do give out good advice – established, intelligent folks who give advice that I may not agree with but is generally well thought out and competent. On the flip side, we have these TikTok Finluencers who have the most unhinged hot takes (enragement is engagement!) whose existence I generally try and ignore.
Finally, as I mentioned earlier: I am spending more time in the meat space. What happens when you achieve your goals? As it turns out, for me, the answer is to live a bigger life learning new things, doing more art, hanging out with more friends and trying new things. I no longer HAVE to sit in front of a computer for work so I don’t have the need to take short breaks to read posts or to listen to podcasts while I work. I think I kept up with a lot of websites and podcasts because it was good to have a few things in my back pocket to keep my brain busy when I was stuck in place. Then I just didn’t cull when I retired.
I eventually did start to scale back the content I was mainlining and worked on my social media use as well. Now, I have nothing but facebook now (marketplace and local communities keep me hooked and it’s just basically an address book now) which I only access by desktop.
I suspect I should write up what I believe are the core tenets of personal finance. So maybe that will be next. Or maybe my absolute frustration with Substack and the complete lack of viable business models for content. Or maybe authenticity vs. income.
Oh, and if you’ve read this far – Happy New Year!
*Give a fuck – shout out to my Oldhomies
**As an aside, I know a disproportionate amount of people who lost their jobs and became life coaches